Jaguar SS1 Airline Project
The SS1 Airline, also called streamline was designed in 1934 and went out production in 1935 it was a special limited production and today only a few survived.
It were typical art deco styled cars with twin spare wheels and had a beautiful interior and were most populair in their days and not surprising also nowadays, they were available in 16 HP & 20HP and did offer great performance.
This particular Airline was restored in collaboration with a N.Z company who restores for us the bodywork and bright work and interior and instruments, the mechanical overhaul and restoration work all happens in our workshops like engine - gearbox - rear axle - front axle - steering set up - suspension and brakes.
More pictures will appear over time.

Here it’s awaiting the last part of the job, the engine and gearbox.

Needless to point out the beauty of it’s dashboard and instrument panel.

The seats were unusual shaped but truly beautiful and offered great comfort.

Camshaft timing in progress.

Carefully checking whether the head gasket is in the right place before fitting the cylinderhead.

SS1 Intake and exhaust manifold mounting point height checking after modifeing with the milling machine

Modified gearbox tunnel finished off with high quality foam damping material.

Engine test of 8 hours running and final adjustments and tuning fully set before fitting into the car.

Engine installed and connected almost ready to road test see video on youtube

Thermostat housing modified with newer thermostat and proper by pass system for better functioning and more reliability.

Marles-weller steering box, the worm was re-grind and fitted with new fabricated hemispheres and bearings and all altered for new type of seals

At top our new fabricated Anchor/brake shoe pin’s fabricated of stronger material and out one piece, at the bottom an original, the bend parts is weak as it’s not machined out of one piece.

When the SS1 Airline came in by us it had a chassis problem, here we check it out at our measuring stone for accurate readings in order to know what to do.

Hartford shock absorbers modified with solid bushings to make it stronger and more accurate functioning and adjusted ready for fitting.

New fabricated Hartford shock absorber mounting bolt with castle nut of bigger diameter and of stronger material to avoid bending, see photo for the difference between them.

Instrument restored in new zealand and tested before fitting.

The SS1 airline was the only car fitted with Lucas 1145 side lamps.

Housings of the gearbox ready for assemble.

New made countershaft with modified bush bearings, now 3 bushes instead of the original two with oil scroll and special chambers to improve life time.

Fully refurbished rear brake set-up with restored anchor plates and new fabricated internals, the springs were fabricated to the original specifications, also up rated half shafts were fitted.